Happy 2023 y'all. It's been a while since you've heard from me, but here I am, committing to all of you to re-start my weekly emails. Why? Because I set a goal around my business for this year. And to achieve what I want, I have several action items that I've come up with to help me get there... but I didn't start with these action items, instead I began in a much broader, yet hugely impactful area... figuring out exactly what I wanted more than anything else (the goal), deciding WHY I wanted that, and finally, how I think I will FEEL when I get what I want. Why am I telling you this? Because this simple goal setting recipe (explained fully below) will help you hone in on what you want, actually commit and most importantly ACHIEVE your goal (AND, it applies to anything you want, be it financial, parenting, relationships or... of course, weight loss).
If Weight Loss is Your 2023 Goal
Have you made goals for this new year? Do you want to, but not sure where to start? If your goal is to lose weight, than look no further than these steps below (p.s. these tips actually apply to any goal at all, so even if you aren't looking to lose weight, read on!) So, if you're ready to set a weight loss goal the Weightless Weight Loss Way: 1 - Get specific: Pick one clear, strong goal to focus on. I like to use a weight range (example: 140-150 lbs) as opposed to I lose 20 lbs. Because it feels more positive and less pressure-y to me (but you do you!) 2 - Ask yourself WHY you want to weigh that. Go big here. Think of alllll the reasons you can, anything that comes to mind, whether it seems silly, vain or not. 3 - Picture yourself having achieved your weight loss goal. What does your life look like? What will you feel having achieved that goal? Get really specific again, imagining that future you in as much detail as possible. This is your Goal Map. The Goal (clearly laid out with specifics) + your Compelling Whys + the Vision of future you having got there - and how she feels in her success. Then, from that place, with the WHAT, THE WHY AND THE VISION locked down, you can start creating your action plan. These can be in the form of smaller goals, milestones and any other action item that will help you get there. Finally - Start! Commit! Schedule it all out. Write your goal daily. Reread your plan regularly. Keep going no matter the setback. Celebrate your wins and learn from your failures. You've got this!
Want Some Help?
If you're looking to lose weight, I am here to help. In my totally biased opinion, there is no better way to lose weight than with the help of a coach.
So if this resonates, reach out! I offer FREE consultations for my Weightless Weight Loss program and am currently accepting 1:1 coaching clients.